The concept of sustainable development:
It is an international socio-economic term, with which the UN body has drawn a map of environmental, social and economic development worldwide, its first goal is to improve the living conditions of every member of society, develop the means of production and its methods, and manage them in ways that do not lead to depletion of the planet’s natural resources, so as not to.
Sustainable Development Goals:
It is a plan to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone. These goals address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and Justice. They are seventeen interrelated goals and complement one another
The University and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG is 17):
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is the means to achieve the well-being of current generations while maintaining the quotas of future generations, and the University seeks to be sustainable as an educated and civilized edifice for its students and affiliates and socially influential now and in the future, and this requires more efforts to make strategic planning of its activities, rationalizing the use of financial and Natural Resources (Water and energy) and working to establish the rules for the exploitation of renewable natural resources and conservation in light of the preservation, development and continuous support of human resources, and thus it contributes to the achievement…
Sustainable development units in the University formations:
Technical Institute of Kufa
Technical Institute of Diwaniya
Technical Institute of Al-Musaib
Technical Institute of Karbala
Technical Institute of Najaf
Technical Institute of Rumaitha
Technical Institute of Babylon
Faculty of Health and medical technology
Najaf Engineering Technical College
Administrative Technical College
Technical College of Al-Musaib
Technical Institute of Samawa