About the division
It can also be said that it is the place where a comprehensive process of changing the processes responsible for raising the status of women in society takes place with the help and support of the state and society, focusing on the importance of politics and teamwork, to enable them to set their own agenda and goals, and increase their ability to control their lives inside and outside the home. The most important of which is what falls within the National Strategic Plan launched by the Iraqi Ministry of higher education and scientific research, where they are introduced to their legal rights and get community support that helps them exercise those rights, through campaigns to raise awareness of their rights, enlist the community to support them, and the effective implementation of legal rights, and legal rehabilitation through the use of the judicial system, in addition to providing non-traditional training opportunities for women, supporting the participation of women in the labor market of working age, maintaining the social fabric and its cohesion through the integration of roles between men and women to build a strong society.
Division vision
Preparing women to be active in achieving sustainable development in a homeland that guarantees them all their constitutional rights and make them capable of dealing with challenges and enhancing their role in all fields in order to achieve full protection and provide economic and social opportunities that enable them to upgrade their capabilities to enhance the status of the homeland provided that they do not abandon the values of the Islamic religion, customs and traditions …
Latest news and activities.
The division’s message
Women acquire, develop and develop skills and knowledge to be a competent actor involved in decision-making and influencing its formulation and activation strategically to meet the needs of the country in the current and future stage …
Division objectives
1 / working to increase the percentage of women leaders by highlighting women’s competencies and achievements.
2-developing the scientific capabilities of women in higher education by facilitating and supporting their participation in local and international conferences .
3 / promoting women’s participation in economic development through supporting projects.
4 / get the support of the international community and local and international organizations to contribute to the implementation of UN resolutions on women.
5-Increasing society’s awareness of the status of women and their rights to combat violence by holding more courses and conducting research with specialized centers.
6 / improving the image of women in the media in all its visual, audible and readable forms.
7 / honoring creative and distinguished Iraqi women in their field of specialization through creative awards or making documentary films about their achievements.
8 / supporting young researchers who accomplish outstanding research at an early age at the study stage according to specialized committees that select outstanding works for the purpose of supporting them.