The University Council is considered one of the most important and delicate departments in the university. Whether under the purview of the Ministry or the University Council, it is in charge of securing permissions on issues outside the purview of the university president. The division has a direct administrative connection to the university president.
The university council is responsible for:
• Preparing agenda items for the university council based on directives from the university president and the meeting minutes of colleges and institutes that fall within the jurisdiction of the Council.
• Completing the minutes of meetings of the university council and sending them to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Opinion Council) for the Minister's approval.
• Giving copies of the meeting minutes to every member of the university council and all university entities.
• Distributing copies of the minutes of the University Council to every university in Iraq.
• Upon ministerial approval of the decisions, the Secretariat of the University council informs colleges, institutes, and the relevant departments of the responses received from the Opinion Council and other competent authorities.
• Approving the minutes of college and institute councils within the university that fall under the university’s authority.
• Issuing university orders for assigning assistant deans and heads of academic departments in all university formations based on evaluation forms.
• Preparing nomination forms and the required documentation for appointing deans and forwarding them to the Ministry.
1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Adel Abdul Wahid – Director of the University Council Secretariat Division.
2. Mrs. Jinan Hassan Mohammed Ali.
3. Mr. Mohammed Haidar Kareem.